I've been fortunate to be a guest on several podcasts discussing life, chiropractic and business.
Entrepreneurs, Doctors and Mindset Warriors - Dr. Molly Spohn & Dr. Jordan Burns
The Classic Buffalo Podcast with Dr. Jordan Burns - The Obstacle is the Way
The Fit Men Movement - Adjusting Your Life with Dr. Jordan Burns
The Zach Homol Show Episode 55 with Indianapolis Chiropractor, Dr. Jordan Burns
Just My Thoughts - #10 - Love Doctor, Hope Healer Dr. Jordan Burns
Podcast Episode 5 - Healing Your Body From The Inside Out with Dr. Jordan Burns
The Goalink Show - Dr. Jordan Burns & Nuun
Appreciate Life Episode 70 with Dr. Jordan Burns: Commitment and Consistency
Circle City Success: Rerelease Aligning Spines and Minds with Dr. Jordan Burns